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Attention! Two years expiration after your resident cancellation

Pension withdrawal procedure

Two years expiration!!

Your lump-sum withdrawal application is accepted within two years after the date you no longer have your residential registration address in Japan. In addition, you are no longer covered by

  • National Pension (国民年金, Kokumin Nenkin in Japanese, here in after called NP)
  • Employees’s Pension Insurance (厚生年金, Kousei Nenkin in Japanese, here in after called EPI)
  • Mutual Aid system (共済年金, Kyosai Nenkin), which is quite popular for academic field workers.

For re-entry Permitted non-Japanese

It is possible to file a claim for your Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments immediately after you leave Japan, without having to wait until your Re-entry Permit period ends. To do this, in prior to your departure, you are required to file your application at your municipal office that you will reside outside of Japan.

In principal you may not file a claim for your Payments until your National Pension
coverage ends, i.e., until your Re-entry Permit expires, as the Re-entry Permit period is
fully subject to the National Pension coverage. You may claim your Payments within two
years of your coverage ending or the date our Re-entry Permit expires, as shown on the
chart here.

(Please be especially advised, that the municipal offices may delete your registered
address from their database for their own administrative reasons without notice, even
before your Re-entry Permit expires. In that case the date you can claim your Payments
(時効起算日:JIKOU KISANBI) and claim deadline may come earlier than you expect. )


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