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Lump-sum withdrawal payment estimation

Pension withdrawal procedure

Identify your group

Pension Type National Pension EPI Mutual Aid
Your Nationality ↓ Self Employed    Shop Owner Company Employee Academic Field Government Worker
Germany, USA, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, Brazil, Switzerland, Hungary, India, Luxembourg, Philippines, Slovak Republic Group A Group B
Italy, Korea, England, China, and Others Group C Group D

(Table – 1)

Italy, Korea, England, China

Social Security bilaterally agreed, but limited for elimination of dual pension contribution

Amount of Lump-sum withdrawal

Group A (Listed Nationality & National Pension contributor)

6 ~ 60 months 61 ~ 119 months 120 months or longer
Withdrawal payment amount 49,830~498,300 498,300 Lump-sum withdrawal is not applicable
If you do not apply “Withdrawal” within 2 years after your residential cancellation in Japan before your final departure. Contributed periods in Japan and in your home country shall be aggregated
  • Pension Amount = See Table 5
  • Payer = Japanese pension office
  • Starting age = 65 years old
  • Duration = your life time

Group B (Listed Nationality & Employees’ Pension Insurance contributor)

Monthly Salary level (See Table 5) 6 ~ 60 months 61 ~ 119 months 120 months or longer
Level 09 (146,000 ~ 155,000) 75,000  ~   825,000 825,000 Lump-sum withdrawal is not applicable
Level 17 (250,000 ~ 270,000) 130,000 ~ 1,430,000 1,430,000 ditto
Level 21 (330,000 ~ 350,000) 170,000 ~ 1,870,000 1,870,000 ditto
Level 25 (425,000 ~ 455,000) 220,000 ~ 2,420,000 2,420,000 ditto
Level 29 (545,000 ~ 575,000) 280,000 ~ 3,080,000 3,080,000 ditto
Level 32 (650,000 over) 325,000 ~ 3,575,000 3,575,000 ditto
If you do not apply “Withdrawal” within 2 years after your residential cancellation in Japan before your final departure. Contributed periods in Japan and in your home country shall be aggregated
  • Pension Amount = See Table 6
  • Payer = Japanese pension office
  • Starting age = 65 years old
  • Duration = your life time

Remarks – The amounts payable to you are subject to tax withholding of 20.42%.

Group C (Others’ Nationality & National Pension contributor)

6 ~ 60 months 61 ~ 119 months 120 months or longer
Withdrawal payment amount 49,830~498,300 498,300 Lump-sum withdrawal is not applicable
If you do not apply “Withdrawal” within 2 years after your residential cancellation in Japan before your final departure. Zero  Zero
  • Pension Amount = See Table 5
  • Payer = Japanese pension office
  • Starting age = 65 years old
  • Duration = your life time

Group D (Others’ Nationality & Employees’ Pension Insurance contributor)

Monthly Salary level (See Table 5) 6 ~ 60 months 61 ~ 119 months 120 months or longer
Level 09 (146,000 ~ 155,000) 75,000  ~   825,000 825,000 Lump-sum withdrawal is not applicable
Level 17 (250,000 ~ 270,000) 130,000 ~ 1,430,000 1,430,000 ditto
Level 21 (330,000 ~ 350,000) 170,000 ~ 1,870,000 1,870,000 ditto
Level 25 (425,000 ~ 455,000) 220,000 ~ 2,420,000 2,420,000 ditto
Level 29 (545,000 ~ 575,000) 280,000 ~ 3,080,000 3,080,000 ditto
Level 32 (650,000 over) 325,000 ~ 3,575,000 3,575,000 ditto
If you do not apply “Withdrawal” within 2 years after your residential cancellation in Japan before your final departure. Zero Zero
  • Pension Amount = See Table 6
  • Payer = Japanese pension office
  • Starting age = 65 years old
  • Duration = your life time

Remarks – The amounts payable to you are subject to 20.42% withholding tax.

Lump-sum withdrawal payment table for National Pension (NP)

(Table -2)

(Table -3)

Lump-sum withdrawal Payment table for Employees’ Pension Insurance

(Table – 4)

Identify your ASR (Average Standard Remuneration)

Typical Payroll Sheet

Three red arrows indicate Social Security items. Your employer also contributes for these three items.

  • EPI = 18.3% (9.15% each for employer and employee) of standard payment table (See Table 9)
  • Medical and Health Insurance, age below 40 = 9.87% (4.935% each, ditto)
  • Medical and Health Insurance, age 40 and over = 11.66% (5.83% each, ditto)
  • Employment Insurance = 0.9% (0.6% for employer, 0.3% for employee) of payment amount.

For example, if your monthly salary level is belonging to Level 27 = JPY 500,000.

For EPI, JPY45,750 (JPY500,000 x 9.15%) is deducted monthly.

The latest Standard payment & pension contribution table

(Table – 5)

Pensions’ estimation (Age 65 or more, for pension eligible contributors)

National Pension estimation

If your National Pension contribution period exceeds 10 years , you are eligible to receive following amount annually for your life time, from your age 65. (as of June 2021)

Contribution period 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years
Life time National Pension 195,225 390,450 585,675 780,900

(Table – 6)

Employees’ Pension Insurance estimation

If your Employees’ Pension Insurance (EPI) contribution period exceeds 10 years, you are eligible to receive total amount of NP and EPI from your life time from your age 65.

EPI contribution period
Standard monthly salary level 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years
Level 09 (146,000 ~ 155,000) per month 294,089 588,166 882,255 1,176,332
Level 17 (250,000 ~ 270,000) per month 359,861 719,710 1,079,571 1,439,420
Level 21 (330,000 ~ 350,000) per month 425,633 851,254 1,276,887 1,702,508
Level 25 (425,000 ~ 455,000) per month 491,405 982,798 1,474,203 1,965,596
Level 29 (545,000 ~ 575,000) per month 557,177 1,114,342 1,671,519 2,228,684
Level 32 (650,000 over) 646,723 1,293,432 1,940,156 2,586,865

(Table – 7)


The annual pension amount above includes both NP and EPI.


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