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Fatal Japanese pension system Issues

Japanese Pension Service

No English support at call center

For Japanese, our general pension inquiry is answered by Call center. (TEL 03-6700-1165) but they do not support any foreign languages.

If you would visit the pension office, they will provide you with a language interpretation service.

Pension Inquiry

Contact list

This means you are not able to receive a pension inquiry service from oversea. I have a double checked this with my personal adviser working at Tokyo Meguro Pension office.

I highly recommend you to visit your pension office or consult with your HR manager, before your departure.

No English “Nenkin Net” home page

Nenkin Net (Pension Network Service) is a personal pension internet site to confirm the individual pension history such as a company you worked, amount of contribution, your pension receiving amount estimation, etc.

As of today, it is available in Japanese language only.

Nenkin Net

URL for Nenkin Net

Nenkin Net Animation with Japanese Script.  You may use Google translation for your language.

How to apply Nenkin Net

Input following items.

  • Your pension ID number, indicated on your Blue color pension note, front page
  • Your Birthday in Japanese Nengo style, ditto
  • Your registered home address

By a post, you will receive your PIN information within 2 weeks after your apply.

Nenkin Net Login Page

Highly recommend you to register Nenkin Net, obtain your PIN and check your personal contents before your departure.

No pension payment advanced notice while you are staying in oversea

The current males age 58 (female case is 53) or the younger will be qualified to receive both NP(国民年金) and EPI(厚生年金)when they become 65 years old. Two months prior to 65th birthday, Japanese pension office sends the pension contributors the payment notice. It is required to sign off by yourself to receive your life time pension.

For foreigners’ cases those who are living in oversea, pension office has no individual residential place tracing system.

While you are staying in Japan, you had better registered at “Nenkin Net WEB site (see above section)” even though it is written in Japanese only, so that in future you will be able to monitor and receive your pension payment notice on the “Nenkin Net WEB site”.


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